Endings or beginnings?

The worst endings can be the best beginnings.
3 years ago I left substantive employment and it felt like my life had ended. Yet now, I’m heading up my own successful leadership coaching company and making a positive difference.
From feeling worthless, with nothing to offer, I’m now enjoying working with inspirational individuals, supporting them to shift their thinking.
I tell you this because many of the people I come across are struggling. You may be too. They’re struggling with the impact of cuts to their service. With the pain of harsh external scrutiny. With the sense of failure. With the feeling that the profession they’ve given their life to no longer values them.
Redundancy, exit strategy, early retirement, severance package, re-shape, re-structure. Hard words to hear.
But, instead of seeing an ending, look for the beginning. A new life, a new approach, something different.
For real change to happen you must be ready to take a risk, to free fall, to let go of the past.
Your identity doesn’t have to be formally rolled up in a job description or role, status or leadership. Who you are is enough. You don’t have to be defined by a job title or the expectations of others.
Move into this phase with an open, welcoming attitude. The door isn’t closing, it’s swinging wide open. Step through with a smile and an inquisitive heart.
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